Welcome to the Little Disciples Community. With your decision to start training your little disciple at a younger age, you are setting them up for success as they grow and turn their faith into a personal relationship with Jesus. It all starts with you, so thank you for taking the first step.

Research findings
Research has suggested that younger children learn best when they are able to use their hands. By combining hands-on learning with Bible-based stories, toddlers will be able to retain information and have a better foundation for developing a biblical worldview. Use the link below to read the thesis documentation proposed by the designer of Little Disciples, Sammie Hatfield.
Recommended Resources
If you are looking for additional resources to keep your little disciple busy and in God's Word, look no further! Following the link will take you to a recommendation page of books and activities that will help you share the Gospel at home.
Expanded Devotionals
If you want to hear more thoughts on the mini devotionals that are in the Little Disciples book, then check out the blog! Here you will find longer versions of the mini devotionals that are for older children and parents.
More editions coming soon
After the publication of the first book, Sammie began working on new editions for different times of year focusing on Jesus' ministry and other biblical concepts. These new additions will be coming soon!